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A variety companies need logistics. There is always a need to bring supplies of raw materials for a business to operate. There are two types of logistics work: inbound and outbound. Both operate in conjunction with each other to distribute products and services wherever demand arises. Considering a career in logistics might not be the first in mind, especially for graduates, as it’s not as fancy as it may seem. But read on to find 3 main reasons why this profession should be a thing in mind.

New Opportunities in the Expanding Global Economy
Businesses are turning to outsource shipping solutions for products and services. That means more work for people in the logistics industry. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates a 25.5 percent increase in jobs until 2020. That’s an additional 27,800 job openings.

Available or All Academic Levels
Compared to other professions that require specific educational attainment, a career in logistics requires little, depending on what facet of logistics students are interested in. Low requirement jobs include truck drivers and forklift operators. Of course, people with high credentials are not left jobless as they can pursue mid to high-level management as logistics executives.

Never a Boring Day
As can be expected, logistics jobs can be a pretty intense. The variety of work at hand make every day interesting, and workers crossover to various themes, materials, and goods. Multitasking is second nature for this profession. That’s probably why more women are coming into the picture, holding top positions in logistic companies.

Stepping Into the International Scene
Mentioned earlier is how outsourcing products and services have provided more opportunities for people in logistics. That also means flying to places and gaining experiences with international businesses. People in logistics often learn a new language. Some may even gain a chance to work abroad temporarily or permanently.

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