College and University > Career and Technical Education (CATE) > Tourism Videos

A career in tourism is one of the most sought after professions, not only for its lofty compensation, but also because of the nature of the job. Contrary to popular belief, tourism jobs not only encompass the part of the tour, but also other services and executive titles that make-up 10 percent of global employment.

Duties of this job are generally simple to grasp. One must have good customer service and communication skills. While job hunts aren’t the problem, the need for more equipped tourism graduates is slowly increasing.

Building on that, here are some tips to prepare for a career in tourism.

Research is key to finding a specific industry for a skill learned. The tourism world includes a variety of career opportunities with diverse degrees of knowledge and experiences needed. Examples include travel planning and hotel management. Yes, this work does intersect with many other industries, so tourism jobs for the future would also be about serving on resorts and cruise ships… even in travel writing!

Another way to establish a career in tourism is through evaluating personal and professional skills. Students can take stock of skills so they can lend them when the time comes. The tourism industry is service-based, which means that there is a strong people-relation element needed. On top of that, a career in tourism requires every student to have strong organizational skills, such as time management and prioritizing.

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