College and University > Social Sciences > Government Political Science Videos

Running a country is not a small job. It includes lots of huge responsibilities, and people who work in government hold the power to change the direction of the entire nation. As the leadership of this kind is no joke, studying how it is done is a must before anyone can take on these roles.

The arena of political science and governance is where students can learn the many ins and outs of working in the government sectors. These disciplines discuss the different aspects of running a country: legal, social, economic, and other factors. Mostly, it's about how policies affect citizen's behaviors, and in turn, how to craft policies that encourage people to do the right thing.

Since it's a broad field covering many topics, undergraduate political science can either be taken as a Bachelor of Science (BSc) or a Bachelor of Arts (BA). The BSc degree is more inclined towards the technical side of political science, like economics, statistics, and psychology, while the BA degree focuses more on the humanities side. Thus, a BA in Political Science would include more subjects in the areas of philosophy, history, sociology, and other related fields.

Political science can be a stepping stone to get into law school. In fact, many graduates of political science eventually become lawyers. As it deals with the laws of the land, political science gives students exactly the kind of knowledge they need to be prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys.

Other graduates of political science do go into high-ranking government positions eventually. Some would even become presidents, like former US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson. Most of the time, political scientists serve as advisors to government officials, giving them valuable input that would help them make sound decisions. Political scientists have a lot of influence in crafting policies, making them valuable assets in any government office.

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