High School > Math Videos

Mathematics is one of the fundamental 3Rs of early education. Known as “arithmetic” in those levels, it involves counting and the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. As kids advance through the grade levels, they progressively deal with more complex mathematical problems. Also, more new concepts get introduced as they progress.

For the most part, math is a lot about problem-solving. Some students may view this as tedious, others would say it’s such a bother. However, the point of making students solve math problems is not to annoy them or make them hate math. On the contrary, it’s for them to exercise their minds. Each math problem draws on a specific concept, and repeatedly solving similar problems allows students to master the concepts. A good grasp of various principles is very important in math because each higher topic builds upon an earlier topic.

Math also builds logical thinking skills in kids. Since math problems are mostly solved through step-by-step processes, there is always a sense of order. Proving theorems in geometry is one example of such a logical process. That and other forms of mathematical problem solving equips students to think in a highly ordered manner.

Additionally, math also helps develop pattern recognition skills. For instance, in algebra, the idea of factoring makes use of patterns. If a polynomial takes a certain form, then it automatically can be simplified a certain way. Any polynomial that looks that same way can be factored similarly too.

Math is also crucial in careers like a business. Accounting, budgeting and projecting sales all require some level of competence in math.

Even everyday situations benefit a lot from math skills. Managing one's finances, for instance, obviously requires math, as with anything involving money. Cooking also involves math: proportions of ingredients, for example, as well as measurements.

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